Rizal Technological University’s (RTU) Human Resource Management Office (HRMO), under the headship of Asst. Prof. Dygneghre Casasola, proactively prepared RTU’s faculty for the upcoming semester by hosting a pre-opening seminar themed CARE: Crisis Management and Resiliency in the Education Sector. The event, held in a hybrid setting from January 11–12, 2024, aimed to equip faculty members with vital insights for a successful academic year.
The seminar featured a roster of notable speakers who addressed crucial topics relevant to the academy. Day 1’s session commenced with Mr. Carlos H. Yturzaeta, a Certified Public Accountant, providing insights into crisis management in the education sector. Dr. Clarissa Delariarte, a licensed guidance counselor and psychologist, took the stage during the afternoon session to share insights on building educators’ resilience through effective student behavior management in the classroom. Day 2 welcomed Dr. Argel B. Masanda, who served as the resource speaker, shedding light on promoting a safe and healthy environment for employees and stakeholders.
The sessions provided faculty members with valuable visions, practical strategies, and a transformed sense of purpose as they prepared to engage with students in the upcoming semester. The engaging discussions and interactive sessions facilitated a culture of continuous learning, ensuring that faculty members are well-prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.