The university is slowly making a footprint in the Scientific World Ranking for Scientists. Proof has it that fifteen faculty researchers were indexed in the 2024 world ranking.
The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index) is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists. It shows the ranking of scientists using a total of nine parameters in subjects such as Agriculture and forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business and Management, Economics and Econometrics, Education, Engineering and Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law / Law & Legal Studies, Medical & Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and others.
In addition, the AD Scientific Index breathes life into academic life, offering the user the possibility to carry out an efficient academic analysis to scrutinize and detect erroneous and unethical profiles, plagiarism, falsification, distortion, duplication, fabrication, slicing, unfair authorship, and various manifestations of academic harassment.
The university’s research culture is making a significant turnaround as more faculty members can be among those scientists who have contributed to the research arena