Congratulations to the BS Information Technology (BSIT) students, Darell Andre L. Dumalay, Jheave A. Jimenez, Lawrence B. Perez and Charlon Dale G. San Agustin for winning the 1 ST place and Bjorn Jasper R. Raquel, a graduate of BS in Astronomy, for the 2 nd place in the DOST: 2022 Regional Science and
Technology Week (RSTW)-NCR Oral Paper Presentation, held at the University of Caloocan on December 2, 2022. Dr. Lea S. Nisperos, faculty member in the (CEA) College of Engineering and Architecture, served as the Capstone Project adviser for the paper presented by BSIT students entitled “RTU Connect: A Decentralized Social Media Platform for Rizal Technological University using Blockchain Technology”. One of the main events of the RSTW is the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fair (STEM Fair), which included various contests and fora for students, researchers, and teachers/faculty. The competition for scientific posters and oral paper presentations aims to provide an avenue to encourage, recognize, and reward student's achievements in basic research.