Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology and Perfect Proofreaders. com from Brunei Visited RTU for Global Qualifications

The Managing Director of Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology in Brunei , Engineer Kumar Sanmugam  together with  Mr. Oliver Buschhorn and Mr. Simon Tagg of Perfect  visited  RTU  on January 19,2023 offering British Global Qualifications collaboration. 

The program is in support of RTU’s mission to develop globally competitive and socially responsible professionals through technology-driven instructions, innovative researches, and sustainable extension programs that will enhance the lives of people in the communities.Cosmpolitan College of Commerce and Technology in Brunei, sustained a 90% graduate employment success rate not only in Brunei but also employment of their graduates in other countries particularly in UK. 

CCCT also offers free mentorship  program for professional development  to include consultancy and training workshop  for decision makers and faculty members. The Univertsity  Center for International Linkages and external Affairs Center ( UCILEA ) initiates this collaboration as the center believes that it will   give RTU an opportunity to acquire new knoweldge and skills specially for the university teaching force in enhancing and upskilling their teaching skills to produce globally competitive graduates.

CCCT is an  institutional partner of Rizal Technological University.

In photos are: Mr. Nilmar Moreno- Flexible Learning,Dean Mark Joseph Santos ( IHK),Dr. faustino S. Aguan ( CAS),Ms. Cyrille Anne rafael ( UCILEA),Dean Amorsolo Espiritu ( Dean, CEAS)
Dean Wendelyn Samarita ( Dean, College of Education),Mr. Oliver Buschhorn and Mr. Simon Tagg of Perfect,Engr. Kumar Sanmugam ( CCIT),Dr. Kristine Y. Opulencia.Engr. Corleto Bravo,Dean John Eric O. Estrellado ( CBEA),Ms. Angelica Ombao ( UCILEA),Mr. Donne Estocada ( UCILEA)

Dr. Kristine Y. Opulencia, the UCILEA Director delivers her welcome remarks during the CCCT and Perfect visit at RTU.