The Executive Committee (ExeCom) of Rizal Technological University (RTU) convened on Monday, April 15th, for their 2nd Quarter meeting at the University President Conference Room, RTU Main Campus. Chaired by Dr. Ma. Eugenia M. Yangco, the University President, the committee examined essential matters concerning the institution’s upcoming events and operational processes.
The agenda for the meeting encompassed vital topics, including discussions on the upcoming commencement exercises as well as deliberations centered on academic matters, admissions, and enrollment procedures. Enhancing efficiency concerning university operations, events, and projects was also discussed to promote institutional advancement.
The meeting saw the attendance of key university officials such as Dr. Rodolfo L. Ducut, Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA), Dr. Kristine Y. Opulencia, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (VPASA), Dr. Magno M. Quendangan, Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Extension Services (VPRIES), Dr. Salvacion J. Pachejo, Vice President for Planning, Quality Assurance, and Strategic Initiatives (VPPQASI), Dr. Corazon D. Austria, Pasig Branch Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Mary Anne S. Rubio, Chief Executive Assistant, and other university officials who were invited to sponsor key agendas.
With the successful conclusion of the 2nd Quarter ExeCom meeting, RTU continues its journey towards academic excellence and institutional development, guided by a collaborative and proactive leadership approach.