Volume 21 No. 1March/April 2018
About the JAHH and the coverInside Cover
On lunisolar calendars and intercalation schemes in Southeast AsiaLars Gislen2
Yes, Aboriginal Australians can and did discover the variability of BetelgeuseBradley E. Schaefer7
The advent of female astronomers at Turin ObservatoryGabriella Bernardi and Alberto Vecchiato13
White supremacism and Islamic astronomy in history of astronomy texts from the eighteenth
century to the present day
Joe Lockard29
The history of early low frequency radio astronomy in Australia. 9: the University of Tasmania’s
Llanherne (Hobart Airport) Field Station during the 1960s-1980s
Martin George, Wayne Orchiston,
and Richard Wielebinski
Contribution of the AN/TPS-3 Radar Antenna to Australian radio astronomyHarry Wendt and Wayne Orchiston65
The many transformations of the University of Illinois Observatory AnnexMichael Svec81
Book Reviews (all)
The Quiet Revolution of Caroline Herschel: The Lost Heroine of Astronomy by Emily WinterburnClifford Cunningham94
The Rise of Radio Astronomy in the Netherlands: The People and the Politics by Astrid ElbersRichard Strom95
Four Pillars of Radio Astronomy: Mills, Christiansen, Wild, Bracewell by R.H. Frater, W.M. Goss,
W.M., and H.W. Wendt
Peter Robertson96
Lewis Swift: Celebrated Comet Hunter and the Peoples’ Astronomer by Gary W. KronkWayne Orchiston98
John Tebbutt: Rebuilding and Strengthening the Foundations of Australian Astronomy by Wayne OrchistonPeter Robertson101
The History of World Calendars and Calendar- making. Proceedings of the International
Con-ference in Commemoration of the 600th Anniversary of the Birth of Kim Dam

by Nha Il-Seong, Wayne Orchiston, and F. Richard Stephenson
Mayank Vahia103
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Volume 21 No. 2-3November /December 2018
About the JAHH and the coverInside Cover
Twin Suns in Australian Aboriginal traditionsDuane W. Hamacher and Rubina R. Visuvanathan107
Australites. Part 1: Aboriginal involvement in their discoveryPhilip A. Clarke115
On the epoch of the Kollam EraLars Gislen134
A commentary on the volvelles in Petrus Apianus’ Astronomicum CaesareumLars Gislen135
The solar ingress (Sankranti) according to the Makarandasarini and other Indian astronomical textsS.K. Uma, Padmaja Venugopal, K. Rupa and S. Balachandra Rao202
Cassini’s 1679 map of the Moon and French Jesuit observations of the lunar eclipse of 11 December 1685Lars Gislen, Francoise Launay, Wayne Orchiston, Darunee Lingling
Orchiston, Suzanne Debarbat, Matthieu Husson, Martin George, and
Boonrucksar Soonthornthum
Francis G. Pease and the first galactic rotation curves (1916-1922)Jordan Marche II and Benjamin Weber226
Book Reviews (all)
Studies of Pallas in the Early Nineteenth Century: Historical Studies in Asteroid Research, by Clifford J. Cunningham; Bode’s Law and the Discovery of Juno: Historical Studies in Asteroid Research, by Clifford J. Cunningham;
Investigating the Origin of the Asteroids and Early Findings on Vesta: Historical Studies in Asteroid Research,

by Clifford J. Cunningham
William Sheehan237
Discovering Pluto: Exploration at the Edge of the Solar System, by Dale P. Cruikshank and William SheehanClifford Cunningham240
The Sun, by Leon Golub and Jay M. PasachoffClifford Cunningham241
The Emergence of Astrophysics in Asia: Opening a New Window on the Universe, edited by Tsuko Nakamura
and Wayne Orchiston
Yukio Ohashi242
Burned Alive: Giordano Bruno, Galileo and the Inquisition, by Alberto A. MartinezClifford Cunningham249
Giovanni Domenico Cassini: A Modern Astronomer in the 17th Century, by Gabriela BernardiClifford Cunningham250
The Scientific Legacy of William Herschel, edited by Clifford J. CunninghamStephen Case251
Northern Star: J.S. Plaskett, by R. Peter BroughtonClifford Cunningham253
A Portable Cosmos: Revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, Scientific Wonder of the Ancient World,
by Alexander Jones
Clifford Cunningham254
Merz Telescopes: A Global Heritage Worth Preserving, edited by Ileana ChinniciPaul Gabor255
Before Nature: Cuneiform Knowledge and the History of Science, by Francesca RochbergClifford Cunningham256
Space Science and the Arab World: Astronomers, Observatories and Nationalism in the Middle East,
by Jorg Matthias Determann
Robert W. Smith257
Making Time: Astronomical Time Measurement in Tokugawa Japan, by Yulia FrumerDaniel Belteki258
The Moon, by Bill LeatherbarrowClifford Cunningham259
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