Center for Astronomy Research and Development
Program Overview

The Center for Astronomy Research and Development (CARD) which is based in Rizal Technological University was established in 2018 through the NICER program of the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD). CARD became a hub for astronomy R&Ds such as the conduct of research projects, capacity-building activities, and scientific collaborations. The center has several research laboratories focusing on light pollution, astronomical observation and instrumentation, astrophysics, astronomy for the public, space weather, and space technology.
Astronomical Near-Earth Observation – Light Pollution (ANEO-LiPo) is the pilot research project of the Center, funded by the DOST-PCIEERD. The project aims to determine the impact of light intensities to the disruption of the ecology, health problems, wasted energy, and also loss in cultural asset.
Furthermore, to address national policy of current usage lighting in the urban and rural areas in the country. To achieved the Center’s goals and objectives, Project ANEO-LiPo divided into four (4) study. Study 1, was to perform and built Pollux Mobility Device (PMD) a handheld device that can gather luminance from light emitting establishments and post within Pasig and Mandaluyong City. Another is Pollux Device that is mounted to a drone that will measure the extent of light pollution within the said cities, this will help in mapping the light pollution, luminance of the urban lights and the air pollution in the area. Study 2 is called Light Pollution Characterization, Assessment and Inventory (LiPo-ChAIn), it aims to illustrate and calculate the amount of light presence in Pasig and Mandaluyong City. Study 3 is Light Pollution Mapping and Assessment (LiPo-Mass), this study aims to map light pollution using the data gathered by study 1. Study 4: Communicating Space Mobility Logistics (CoSMoLogi), will become the platform for aspiring astronomers for inquiries of the program and it will be used as focal point of light pollution data that can be use publicly. Also, CARD do researches on Astronomy Instrumentation, Astrophysics, Space Weather and Space Technology.
The Center collaborated and partnered with 8 national offices, 7 state universities and colleges, 9 senior high school and 2 international science institutions to produce scientific output. From these collaborations, CARD catered 296 senior high school, 278 BS astronomy students, and 20 graduate student’s immersion and internship. The Center also, led a Science Teachers Astronomy Revitalization Training Program (START) that provide astronomy learning to 47 DEPED Mandaluyong Science Teachers. Moreover, the Center conducted research symposium and conference participated by the students undergone immersion and internships to present their research output evaluated by scientist and experts. During the Pandemic, the Center still conducted Astronomy outreach through webinars called AstroChats, Astrophysicist from the National Astronomical Research Institute Technology, gave lectures about stellar evolution of stars, Astronomer from Al Sadeem Observatory

gave a talked about Astronomy Observation, and Experts from NDRRMO provide SOP during emergency phenomena. The outreach is participated by a total of 5978 participants. Currently, the Center has 95 research papers, 42 are completed, 7 research papers are published in ISI/Scopus journal, 18 research papers are submitted in ISI/Scopus journal and 23 research paper are in-progress.